Registration - NRA CCW Defensive Handgun 2

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Remember, the NRA CCW Defensive Handgun 2 is more advanced than Defensive Handgun 1. We will be drawing from concealment and shooting on the move! There will be a classroom element, but most time will be spent on the range! (Defensive Handgun 1 is a prerequisite for this course.)
I understand that this is a more advanced defensive pistol class. This class involves drawing from the holster and firing on the move.
I understand that there will be NO firearms or ammunition allowed in the classroom. Firearms and ammo must be locked in the vehicle during classroom instruction.
I understand that I am responsible for bringing an operational firearm (semi-automatic pistol or revolver from .22 caliber up to .45ACP), an outside the waistband (OWB) holster that is made for that gun, a magizine carrier (pouch) that holds two magazines/speedoaders, and a minimum of 350 rounds of quality ammunition for that firearm.
Price: $150.00